Saturday, November 6, 2010

Light and Shade

Wow, thank you everyone.
I have had a brain-imploding week. It's been rough. I have been trying to articulate my point gently but stay true to myself and my daughter at the same time.
To everyone who allowed me the freedom to say what I meant, I cant thank you enough. To everyone who sent messages of support and encouragement, I felt your love and understanding and it truly helped me. To even the people who challenged my ideas, I thank you also. Because not only did I have a massive learning curve and the opportunity to delve into issues of language, quantifiability and existence, but you helped me really cement my convictions and get them across in a strong but gentle way.
Drawing on memories of Sybella's death has really taken it out of me and I have begun to feel a raw grief all over again. I will continue that privately, for the moment.
Might have me a little blogging break for a few days. Blow some bubbles with Jack, or something.


  1. Bubbles are fun - you should buy Jack a bubble machine for Christmas (saw 'em in Byron)

    I continue to admire your strength and inner beauty. I'm behind you 100% (even if I'm totally lazy and never visit) lol


  2. We'll miss you if you take a break!

  3. I am so pleased (if that's the right word) to come across your blog. Stillbirth is such a taboo subject in this country and I think that's half the reason it keeps getting swept under the carpet and termed as miscarriage because it makes it somehow less 'awkward' for people who fortunately haven't been there. Our 2nd baby, April was stillborn last January. Mostly people have been very supportive, but even now I do get the odd 'miscarriage' comments. I always make it clear when that happens that there is a difference, April was not a miscarriage. Then of course they feel awkward and don't know what to say. But unless there is more education in this area and unless we do make the boundaries clear, nothing will change. I too, don't intend to take any grief away from a parent who has been through a miscarriage. Both miscarriage and stillbirth are utterly devastating and involve the loss of a longed for baby. But they are as you say, so very very different. I wonder how many people out there realise Lily will have had the opportunity to see and hold her baby and will have to bury her child? Quite possibly many won't have an inkling of what is involved due to the media's unaccurate reports.

  4. Hope's Mama: Just a little one! I'll be back!

    Anonymous: Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou. We must be one and the same.
